Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

One Week Old Sisterlocks

These pictures were taken about 1 week after getting my Sisterlocks installed.

My hair has changed so much since then. It's amazing how each day they look better than the day before. I am enjoying my sisterlocks as they mature.

My First Half Marathon!

I did it! I finished my first half marathon in 3:43 fighting strong 40mph winds. I battled a huge blister on the bottom of my foot and my cheap shirt digging into my right arm after mile 10 but I still kept on keeping on!!! I had to walk a little bit to cope with the arm pain because I wasn't used to that. However I was familiar with blisters so I just didn't even worry about that issue. The White Rock Half marathon course was not hard at all. Not really a lot of hills. Just strong winds. The weather temperature was around 60 degrees when we started the race and was around the 70's when we finished. What's funny is that there was a huge temperature drop that night after the race and now we are experiencing sleet and ice. In Texas we don't know how to deal with this type of weather so everything is closed down. I am so thankful to God that the weather was nice during the race. I am excited that I accomplished this goal in 2008 just like I planned at the beginning of the year. Now it's time to improve my half marathon time and move on to tackling 26.2 miles! After that it's time to improve my marathon time and move on to Ironman!!!!! I am going to have fun getting there and what's neat is that I am going to be slinging my beautiful sisterlocks all the way there!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Random photos - 4.5 Months

4.5 Months

My hair:

I set my hair with Lottabody diluted with distilled water. I like it but it does not last long due to my workout schedule. The two swim practices murder the curls. But in the middle of the week when I do not feel like rolling my hair with Soft Spikes I use the Caruso Curlers. I really like them. They straighten out my locks more but I need to get more large size rollers because my hair is getting thick.

My life:

Pray that I make it to the start line of my first half marathon on next Sunday. I have had terrible luck with completing half marathons this year. My knees were injured with the first one I signed up to do. My appendix stopped me from the second one I planned to do.

Right now I am in the best shape. I am running easy and smooth. It's wonderful. I just hope that nothing keeps me from making it to the start line. If I can make it to the start line injury free and healthy then I know I will be crossing the finish line.

I can't wait to experience one of the many sweet victories in my life at that start line on Sunday!

Oh yeah... and my sisterlocks will be holding up! I know I can always count on them not to let me down. I just love them!!!!