Sunday, December 7, 2008

4.5 Months

My hair:

I set my hair with Lottabody diluted with distilled water. I like it but it does not last long due to my workout schedule. The two swim practices murder the curls. But in the middle of the week when I do not feel like rolling my hair with Soft Spikes I use the Caruso Curlers. I really like them. They straighten out my locks more but I need to get more large size rollers because my hair is getting thick.

My life:

Pray that I make it to the start line of my first half marathon on next Sunday. I have had terrible luck with completing half marathons this year. My knees were injured with the first one I signed up to do. My appendix stopped me from the second one I planned to do.

Right now I am in the best shape. I am running easy and smooth. It's wonderful. I just hope that nothing keeps me from making it to the start line. If I can make it to the start line injury free and healthy then I know I will be crossing the finish line.

I can't wait to experience one of the many sweet victories in my life at that start line on Sunday!

Oh yeah... and my sisterlocks will be holding up! I know I can always count on them not to let me down. I just love them!!!!

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